The office is well outfitted with essential office automation software, printer and photocopier. Most of the functions make use of LCD projector. The office uses parents alarm to keep the soft copy of its record of their marks. The detailed information of every student is instantly available on a mouse click. The teachers are trained to make the best use of technology and develop a scientific temper.
Keeping current with the technology trends in education, implemented a special package in association with social media apps.The features provided absent alert, sms, for the important notices, notice board, homework and syllabus, message, E-Report Card, write to school, gallery, student profile and fee payment details. Giving techno wings to its fee collection process, the school has also introduced an on-line fee payment system through online payment aap.
Extramarks Snartclass is a technology oriented initiative of the school. It provides tools and content for interactive self -placed learning by students, as well as rich- media presentations for teacher-led classroom learning.The students are fascinated and grasp the concept readily and with ease. Such concept are retained longer.